Friday, February 7, 2014

Staff Website Ideas.

IDVA Admin and the Tech Department are working to create a website that would function much like a B & M "district website". The hope is to drastically reduce the amount of email searching we all have to do to find, "that one document that so and so sent me a month ago." Here is the current mission statement for the site: The IDVA Staff website is designed to make your life easier as a member of the VHS/AHS team. It is a repository for commonly accessed information and a forum for staff to share best practices and find answers to frequently asked questions. Right now the plan is to add things like school calendars, instructions for common procedures, HR information and even possibly a place to share and collaborate on lesson plans. The site will be a "Wiki" site meaning that you all will have certain permissions to upload and edit information. It is a members only site and will have a certain level of security but FERPA issues still need to be considered. Please share your ideas about what you would like to see on the site by commenting below. Thanks.